Sanitation futures
Sanitation for all
Imagine a future where safe toilets reach everyone on the planet, where water is protected, human dignity is upheld, and interventions save lives. To get there, we need a clear vision and leadership that is accountable for taking action.
By investing in sanitation, we can ultimately support climate resilience and create sustainable pathways that make sanitation a winning proposition for all: this is the future of sanitation.
- Provide an endlessly renewable resource.
- Generate healthier soil that increases crop yields.
- Act like a sponge to retain water and nutrients.
- Prevent runoff into rivers and streams.
- Recycle nutrients from our food back to the land.
- Are rich in nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorous.
The soil in these planters on view in the exhibition come from treated, recycled human biosolids (or poop).